Many new functions have been added to Senaite since forking from Bika, it performs exceptionally well and is much easier to maintain, the new modularity making it easier to build add-ons. Some functionality was considered not critical and Bika 3’s Invoicing was left behind. Now it is back
Cape Town. 25 May 2023
Most of the client sponsors for Senaite 1 were using the LIMS in-house and there was no need for a billing function. Commercial labs would always need it though.
In this round of customisation, Invoices are issued per Batch or group of Batches. The Invoice body is broken down into the number of Analysis Profiles, Analyses and Sample Preparation steps priced for all the Samples included.
If enabled, the billing function allows for work to be invoiced before starting on it, for Open Batches and unpublished Samples.
That way it facilitates sample preparation and analysis only after payment was received. The credit control is handled by the lab’s accounts department who receives a copy of the invoice emailed to the client.
It is already possible for accounts systems to access the Batch Invoices using the LIMS’ API. In a next phase – send us your requirements now:) – the Invoices will be pushed to commonly used accounts packages like Quickbooks, Xero, Sage and others, albeit via spreadsheet exports where the systems don’t have friendly APIs.