Scientist and microscope in front of shelves with different colour pigments
Service Catalogue
Scientist in protective clothing handling blood samples in vacutainers, in front of wall mounted computer running Bika Open Source LIMS

Complete Implementation Projects

Gap Analysis to Go Live

Cherry-pick from

LIMS Consultation
Requirements Analysis and Specifications
Start-up Assistance
Maintenance and Support

Multi user License Fee  $0


Installations $2750

Both Production and Test/Training LIMS instances
The secondary LIMS is used for acceptance testing,
thereafter as e-learning sandbox

Minimize Cost

Use free online resources and assistance on Bika user groups
Hard-working labs consuming fewer hours benefit

Pay only for Services Consumed

Support requirements diminish over time and eventually labs require only occasional support

NGOs, Universities and Start-ups

Deserving NGOs, academic Institutions, start-ups and labs in resource poor settings, please contact us for favourable prices

Model of Chlorophyll's molecular structure
Periodic table of the Elements

Free Organic Marketing

Participate in public Bika LIMS forums
to see lab search engine rankings improve

Cloud based installations

Installation $500. First 18 months hosting $250 pm


90 minutes screen sharing $600


Prioritised Support, Prepaid support buckets
Users $115 ph, Technical $140 ph


LIMS Consulting, Gap Analysis and Specifications $125 ph
Configuration $110 ph
Customisations $140 ph

Only through the success of our clients is Bika able to sustain the project

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